
ESG vs. Savings: Where to Place Your Bets for Sustainable Success?

ESG vs. Savings debate - Live University

In a world where sustainability is no longer a buzzword but a fundamental aspect of doing business, the choices we make in procurement have far-reaching implications. Last week, we had the privilege of participating in the 20th Live University Procurement and Sourcing Forum, in São Paulo, Brazil. The event gathered industry leaders to explore the latest trends and best practices in procurement. One of the pivotal discussions revolved around the age-old question: “Savings vs. ESG: Where should you place your bets?” In this blog post, we’ll delve deeper into this debate and explore why ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) and savings aren’t competitors but, in fact, complementary strategies.

The Live University Procurement and Sourcing Forum

The 20th Live University Procurement and Sourcing Forum is an annual event regarded as the largest of its kind in Latin America. It’s a platform where professionals in the procurement field come together to discuss the latest innovations, strategies, and best practices. This year’s forum was held over two intense days, featuring discussions and insights from experts, directors, and industry leaders. Key topics included ESG, Automation, Procurement 4.0, Risk Management, Operational Efficiency, and Cost Reduction.

The “Saving vs. ESG” Debate

Our Chief Revenue Officer, Alejandro Devoto, was one of the panelists in the thought-provoking discussion titled “Saving vs. ESG.” Moderated by Alex Leite from Live University, the panel included Angel Ibanez (Tegra Incorporadora), Marcos Domingues (Johnson & Johnson), and Gabriel Aleixo (Costdrivers). The conversation kicked off with a fundamental question: “Savings vs. ESG: Where should you place your bets?”

Complementing Agendas

One of the key takeaways from the panel discussion was the recognition that the “savings” and ESG agendas should not be viewed as adversaries. Instead, they are two sides of the same coin, offering complementary strategies for achieving sustainable success. Let’s delve into why these agendas work hand in hand:

1. Savings Deliver Value, ESG Delivers Even More:

  • Savings strategies focus on cost reduction and short-term financial gains, offering tangible benefits to a company’s bottom line.
  • On the other hand, ESG encompasses a broader scope, addressing environmental sustainability, social responsibility, and governance. It doesn’t just add value to the company; it extends its impact to society and the planet.
  • ESG is a long-term commitment, spanning short, medium, and long-term goals. It fosters sustainability in every sense, ensuring a company’s relevance in the ever-evolving business landscape.

2. ESG: The Antidote to Obsolescence:

  • An intriguing point raised during the panel discussion was the potential obsolescence of a savings agenda in the absence of ESG.
  • In a world where sustainability is increasingly a core expectation from customers, investors, and regulators, companies that lack an ESG agenda risk falling behind and becoming irrelevant.

3. ESG’s Multifaceted Benefits:

  • ESG doesn’t just contribute to societal and environmental well-being; it’s also a boon for business.
  • It drives top-line growth, improves a company’s valuation, and facilitates easier access to investments. ESG is not merely a moral or ethical choice; it’s a strategic one that bolsters a company’s financial health.

4. Attracting Talent with Purpose:

  • In today’s competitive job market, top talent is drawn to companies that stand for more than just profit. ESG initiatives, with their societal and environmental focus, attract purpose-driven employees.
  • ESG enhances employee retention, reducing turnover and the associated costs.

In the end, the question of “Savings vs. ESG” is not a binary choice but a call for balance. It’s about recognizing that these two strategies can coexist, each enhancing the other’s impact. While savings strategies are crucial for financial stability, ESG initiatives secure a company’s long-term relevance and success. It’s a matter of integrating both agendas to create a powerful and sustainable business model.

As business leaders, the challenge is to find the right balance between short-term gains and long-term impact, between financial profit and social/environmental responsibility. By embracing ESG alongside savings, companies can not only thrive but also contribute positively to the world we all share. After reading this, where would you place your bets: on savings, on ESG, or on the powerful synergy between the two? The answer might just shape the future of your business.

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